Healthy and delicious: Rainbow fermented foods for your kitchen

Have you ever tried fermenting your own healthy snacks? If you've never fermented yourself, you're really missing out! Fermentation is not only a natural way to preserve food, it also offers many health benefits. The colorful rainbow carrots retain their crunchy texture while gaining valuable nutrients - perfect for an extra portion of vitamins and minerals on your plate. In our blog post, we've put together a delicious recipe for fermented rainbow carrots for you and exciting information about fermentation and "Eat the Rainbow."

FAVORITE GLASS Fermented Carrot

Why are fermented vegetables so healthy?

  1. Fermentation gives foods probiotic lactic acid bacteria that promote intestinal health. A healthy intestinal flora allows your body to absorb nutrients better.
  2. Fermented foods have a high content of minerals, enzymes, vitamins and trace elements.
  3. Improves the digestibility of protein and increases the bioavailability of minerals such as iron and zinc.

Unlike many supermarket products, which are often heated and therefore lose nutrients, all important ingredients are completely preserved when fermented at home.

Would you like to learn more about the perfect use of salt in the fermentation process? In our blog post you will find helpful tips and with our fermentation calculator in the blog post you can easily calculate the ideal amount of salt for your recipes!

Recipe: Fermenting Rainbow Carrots – Step by Step

With this simple recipe for fermented rainbow carrots, you'll not only add color to your plate, but the recipe also offers real health benefits. All you need are the right utensils - and you can start fermenting!

You need:

Here's how:

  1. Prepare the glass: Boil your favorite glass thoroughly to make it germ-free.
  2. Cutting carrots: Cut the carrots directly into the glass using a spiral cutter. Tip: Start with the darkest carrot and work your way to the lightest.
  3. Press carrots: Mash the carrots lightly with the wooden masher until they release some liquid.
  4. Mix: Add 1 tablespoon maple syrup, ½ teaspoon salt and 60 ml white wine vinegar to the glass and fill with water until the carrots are completely covered.
  5. Weigh down and cover: Weigh down with the glass weight, place the fermentation attachment with valve on top and close.
  6. Ferment: Leave your rainbow ferment at room temperature for about a week. Tip: The longer you leave it, the more intense the flavor will be. Store in the refrigerator after opening - this way it will last for up to 3 months.

On our blog you will find other exciting recipes such as fermented cauliflower , fresh fermented lemon , crunchy fermented zoodles or a warm quinoa salad . Take a look and be inspired by how simple and versatile fermentation can be! To the recipes

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