Simply weigh down your vegetables and fruit for fermentation in a Mason jar with glass weights . The high-quality glass weights have been specially developed for fermentation in a Mason jar. They fit perfectly into the jar and are easy to remove. This way you can be sure that the vegetables always stay below the liquid brine and mold can no longer form.
The glass weights are food- safe, waterproof and dishwasher safe. Before reusing them, it is important to sterilize the glass weights again in a hot water bath - working cleanly is particularly important when fermenting.
So that you can prepare several jars for fermentation at once, the set contains 4 glass weights to weigh them down.
You will find matching food-safe fermentation attachments , as well as a wooden rammer in our shop – so you can work and ferment directly in the glass! Saves time washing up!
Kompakte Glasbeschwerer drücken Gemüse und Obst nach unten
Das Ventil im Fermentier Deckel lässt Druck und Gase beim Fermentieren entweichen
Let's Start
Alles für den Start zur Fermentation in einem Set enthalten
Hier erfährst du alles, was du übers Fermentieren wissen musst. Welche Methoden es gibt, wie es funktioniert und warum fermentierte Lebensmittel so gesund sind.