Sauerkraut in the FAVORITE JAR

It's autumn and the perfect time for sauerkraut! Making sauerkraut is really easy: all you need is white cabbage, salt and a little time. With the right fermentation accessories , it's guaranteed to work - and you don't have to worry about mold :) Our Mason Jar fermentation attachment , the glass weights and the fermentation jars are perfectly matched. This means you can ferment absolutely safely and reliably . You can find the recipe for sauerkraut below. Homemade sauerkraut is full of vitamins, our oldest superfood and also regional. Ideas for using sauerkraut are endless - here are some examples:

How to eat sauerkraut:

  • Sauerkraut with potato dumplings , carrots and mushrooms
  • sauerkraut salad with bacon
  • Stuffed ravioli with sauerkraut and mushrooms - called Polish pierogi
  • potato sauerkraut soup
  • dumplings with sauerkraut
  • casserole with sauerkraut and pasta
  • burger with sauerkraut topping
The possibilities are truly endless - a little bit of sauerkraut for dinner is wonderful for our bodies. Fermented white cabbage is a true miracle cure.

The benefits of sauerkraut:

  • Strengthens our immune system - the probiotics contained in it strengthen our immune system. We are better protected against viruses and bacteria. Sauerkraut is the perfect food, especially in winter
  • contains a particularly high amount of vitamin B12 and is therefore an optimal dietary supplement for vegetarians
  • Intestinal flora is strengthened - especially after taking antibiotics it is perfect
By the way, pasteurized sauerkraut from the supermarket hardly contains any valuable ingredients. Lactic acid bacteria are completely destroyed by heating. It tastes the same, but the vitamins in conventional sauerkraut are almost worthless.

Make your own sauerkraut - recipe

What you need: And here's how it works: Cut the white cabbage into thin strips. Keep 1 large leaf for later. We will use the leaf as additional protection in the jar. Fill the Ball Mason jar halfway with cabbage, add some salt and start pounding with the wooden pestle . If the cabbage is already a bit glassy and watery, add more cabbage and salt. Pound until liquid, a brine, forms . Admittedly, this is a bit of a kitchen workout :) Once enough brine has formed, press the cabbage firmly down in the jar using the wooden pestle. The cabbage should sit firmly in the jar and contain as few air bubbles as possible. There should now be about three fingers' width of space to the edge of the glass . To prevent small pieces of cabbage from floating on the surface, place the cabbage leaf in the glass and press it down gently. Place the fermenting glass weight on the cabbage leaf and press it down a little. The cabbage should now be at the bottom and the brine at the top, with no cabbage residue on the surface. To ferment, place the fermentation attachments on the Mason Jar glass and tighten it with the screw ring. The screw ring is supplied with every jar (including an airtight plate for later sealing). The fermentation attachment makes fermentation easy for you: gases can escape, no oxygen penetrates the jar, flies stay away and the contents are protected. These are exactly the conditions we need for fermentation. Place the Ball Mason jar in a dark place at normal room temperature - but not in the refrigerator. The cold would slow down the fermentation process. Let the sauerkraut steep for about a week and then taste it for the first time. If it is not sour enough, let it steep a little longer. As soon as you are happy with the taste, replace the fermentation attachment with the airtight lid. The sauerkraut now goes into the refrigerator or a cool place like the cellar. Enjoy your meal!