Water Kefir: Introduction including a delicious water kefir recipe with hibiscus leaves

Join us in the world of healthy and refreshing water kefir. Water kefir, also known as tibicos or sugar kefir, has grown in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Its delicious flavors and health benefits make it a real treat. In this post, we'll show you what water kefir is, how it's fermented, why it's so healthy, and how you can make it at home.

Water Kefir with HibiscusWater Kefir with Hibiscus
What is water kefir?

Water kefir is a refreshing, probiotic drink made by fermenting water kefir crystals with sugar water. The water kefir crystals are small gel-like lumps that contain a mixture of yeast, lactic acid bacteria and sugar. These microorganisms work together during fermentation to convert the sugar into carbon dioxide, alcohol and various acids, giving the drink its characteristic taste.

kefir crystalskefir crystals
What happens during the fermentation of water kefir?

Water kefir fermentation is a fascinating process. The microorganisms in the water kefir crystals break down the sugar, producing carbon dioxide and alcohol, creating a slightly fizzy drink with a pleasant taste. This process usually takes 24 to 48 hours, depending on the ambient temperature and the ingredients used.

Why is water kefir so healthy?

Water kefir is not only refreshing but also extremely healthy. It is rich in probiotic bacteria that support gut health. These probiotic cultures can help restore the balance of gut flora and relieve digestive problems. In addition, water kefir contains important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and promote general health.

Water Kefir in a Glass with Hibiscusjars with kefir lids
Water kefir or milk kefir?

There are two main types of kefir: water kefir and milk kefir. While water kefir is made with sugar water, milk kefir is made with milk. Both varieties are rich in probiotic cultures, but water kefir is a great option for those who are lactose intolerant or prefer a dairy-free diet.

You can also pimp up your water kefir with juice to give it extra flavor and vitality. This is done in a second fermentation. Simply mix the finished water kefir with your favorite juice and let it ferment for another 24 hours. The result is a delicious, naturally sweetened drink with many health benefits.

Water kefir in a glass with kefir lidMilk kefir in a glass with kefir lid
How do I store my excess crystals?

If you have more water kefir crystals than you need at the moment, it is important to store them properly. One option is to store them in the refrigerator. Fill the crystals together with sugar water (50 g sugar to 200 ml water) in a glass jar with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. This way the crystals will remain active for about 3 to 4 weeks.

Another method is to dry the crystals. You can dry the kefir crystals at room temperature for 3 to 5 days. After they are completely dry, store them in a ziplock bag or sealable jar at room temperature. This way they will stay ready for use for up to 6 months.

What do you need to make water kefir?

Our special equipment is essential for making water kefir: the kefir lid ensures safe and efficient fermentation, while your favorite jars are the ideal container for making kefir. Together with the kefir crystals, you can conveniently and safely make high-quality water kefir and enjoy it to the fullest.

water kefir set favorite glassIngredients Water Kefir
Advantages of our Kefir Set

1. Versatile use of water kefir crystals : Our dehydrated water kefir grains are extremely economical. 5g of organic water kefir crystals produce 30g of fresh water kefir grains to make 600ml of water kefir. The shelf life is 1 year.

2. Optimal Kefir Lid : Our reusable lid made of food-grade plastic is another highlight of our set. It can be used throughout the entire kefir making process, from activating the grains to straining and pouring, making the process much easier. The lid is durable, easy to clean and environmentally friendly.

3. Transparent preparation in glass : Our Oleni 0.75 L glasses offer decisive advantages for kefir production. They allow you to follow the entire fermentation process and ensure that your kefir develops healthily. They are also hygienic and easy to clean, which ensures the quality of the kefir.

4. Size and convenience : Our Oleni 0.75 L jars offer enough space for the growth of kefir and are still handy and easy to store. Your kefir set for healthy and delicious results!

Recipe for homemade water kefir with hibiscus leaves

Water Kefir with Hibiscusglass with water kefir


  • Water Kefir Starter Set (including kefir lids, crystals and glasses)
  • 4-6 tablespoons (approx. 30-45 g) water kefir crystals
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2-3 dried fruits (e.g. apricots, figs, raisins, cranberries, goji berries)
  • Slices of an untreated lemon, lime or orange without seeds
  • Cold, non-chlorinated water (approx. 1.5 l in total)
  • 20 hibiscus petals
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Instructions for water kefir basic recipe:

  1. Preparation: Make sure your favorite jars, kefir lids, and all utensils are clean and sterilized to ensure germ-free conditions.

  2. Sugar mixture: In a separate container, dissolve 100 g of sugar in about 500 ml of warm water. Allow the sugar solution to cool.

  3. Prepare the glasses: Distribute the dried fruit, hibiscus petals and citrus fruit slices evenly between the two Oleni glasses.

  4. Add water: Pour cold, non-chlorinated water into the jars so that they are about 2/3 full. Make sure to leave enough space for the kefir crystals and the fermentation process.

  5. Sugar solution: Fill the glasses with the cooled sugar solution so that they are almost completely full, but still leave about 2 cm of air at the top.

  6. Water kefir crystals: Add about 2-3 tablespoons of water kefir crystals to each glass. These will ferment the kefir.

  7. Stir: Stir gently to combine all ingredients.

  8. Use kefir lids: Place the kefir lids on the jars. These lids allow the kefir to ferment while preventing the access of foreign substances.

  9. Fermentation: Let the jars ferment at room temperature (ideally between 20°C and 25°C) for about 24-48 hours. The exact fermentation time depends on the desired kefir consistency and the ambient temperature.

  10. Straining: After fermentation, remove the fruits, hibiscus petals and citrus fruit slices from the jars. Pour the water kefir into bottles.

  11. Second fermentation (optional): For additional carbonation and flavor, you can let the strained kefir continue to ferment in sealed bottles for 1-2 days at room temperature. Pay attention to the pressure buildup.

  12. Cooling: Chill the finished kefir in the refrigerator before enjoying it.

Have fun making and enjoying your homemade hibiscus water kefir!

Recipe Cover Water Kefir with HibiscusWater Kefir with Hibiscus