Homemade sunscreen
Is your summer holiday just around the corner? Relax, stroll through the town in your summer dress and soak up the sun – haaach! Protecting yourself from the sun is especially important now in the height of summer - that means: unpack sunscreen and head to the beach or lake. Today we would like to show you a homemade, 100% natural sunscreen in a Ball Mason Jar that you can easily make yourself.
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Conventional sunscreens protect the skin using chemical filters. They penetrate directly into the skin to provide sun protection. This is different with natural sunscreens: a protective layer is formed on the skin and UV rays are blocked. The advantage of natural sun protection: you can do without chemicals in your body.
The problem with conventional sun creams are the ingredients: eg oxybenzone (benzophenone) and retinyl palmitate. Doesn't sound very healthy, does it? Substances that are harmful to health and have no place in our bodies, as they damage cells and can lead to skin cancer.
Our skin does not have a filter like the stomach does with stomach acid. Everything we put on our skin goes straight into our body. And who wants to eat chemical substances? That's why we think the approach to cosmetics is just right: only put things on our skin that we would eat.
And that's why we tried something new: a homemade sunscreen in a FAVORITE JAR ! You don't need many ingredients and you know exactly what's in your cream. The practical thing: with the pump dispenser on the Ball Mason jar you can measure out your sunscreen perfectly.
If you make your own sunscreen you have 5 decisive advantages :
- 1 You know exactly what is penetrating your skin
- 2 You reduce waste – every sunscreen comes in a plastic container
- 3 The sunscreen works immediately
- 4 You protect aquatic organisms (no chemicals get into the water)
- 5 Nourishes your skin and supplies it with fatty acids (makes skin soft) and antioxidants (prevents age spots and wrinkles)
- Are you wondering whether the sunscreen will protect you from sunburn? Just like a regular sunscreen would, you should avoid the midday sun and excessive sunbathing.
DIY sunscreen
Making your own sunscreen is not difficult: did you know that vegetable oils such as coconut oil or olive oil already have a small sun protection factor?
- • Coconut oil: 7, can block up to 20% of UV rays
- • Sesame oil: 7, can block up to 30% of UV rays
- • Avocado oil: 8
- • Jojoba oil: 4
- • Olive oil: 4
- • Shea butter: 5
- • Carrot oil: 30
Of course, an SPF of 5 is not enough to spend the day in the sun, as these oils block the superficial UV-B rays and provide basic protection. However, plant-based oils do not block UV-A rays, which penetrate deeper into the skin. That's why we add zinc oxide.
Zinc oxide is a mineral UV blocker - it is important that the (nano) particles are no smaller than 100 nm. This means they cannot penetrate the skin and may be harmful to the body. In some places, a small white film can form, as the particles are not "nano" like those in conventional sun creams. However, we are happy to accept this if it means that substances and reactions that are harmful to health can be avoided.
What you need: Base quantity 170 g with SPF 20
- • 1 x Ball Mason Jar | Regular | 240ml
- • 1 x stainless steel pump dispenser
- • 60 g coconut oil
- • 50 g sesame oil
- • 60 g shea butter
- • 1 teaspoon carrot oil
- • 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil
- • 34 g zinc oxide non nano
You can get some ingredients like zinc oxide here , coconut oil or sesame oil in regular supermarkets and shea butter in organic stores like Alnatura or online.
And here's how it works:
Heat coconut oil, sesame oil and shea butter in a double boiler until melted. Then add the carrot oil.
The zinc oxide powder should not be inhaled – so it is best to tie a cloth or scarf around your nose and mouth (sounds worse than it is ). Stir gently at first so that the powder does not create dust. Once it has mixed with the oil, you can stir vigorously and remove your "mask".
Stir the mixture well and vigorously with the zinc. Put it in the Ball glass and either close it with an airtight lid or add our pump dispenser attachment . This way you can pump your sunscreen directly from the glass and dose it perfectly.
We personally recommend preparing the sunscreen in small amounts of max. 200 ml or dividing a larger amount into several jars - for hygienic reasons. Store it in a cool place or in the refrigerator.
Do you want more sun protection? Then add more zinc oxide to your sunscreen – you can easily calculate the proportion based on the total amount:
How much zinc oxide for which sun protection factor:
- • SPF 10: 10%
- • SPF 20: 20%
- • SPF 30: 30%
- • Calculation example:
Total mass as here = 100 g
Zinc content for SPF 20 = 20 g
Another tip: the sunscreen is not waterproof - unlike synthetic sunscreens, it does not penetrate the skin. So don't forget to apply sunscreen after swimming and avoid the midday sun.
And now – off into the sun and enjoy the summer!