Homemade deodorant

The best experiment so far for a plastic-free everyday life : homemade deodorant ! The effect is phenomenal, it is completely natural and the preparation and production is super easy thanks to the DIY set from Hello Simple (advertising)* . Make your own deodorant cream Apply once in the morning and you'll be well prepared for the current summer heat. The question we asked ourselves after this test: Why are there so many deodorants on the market and why do they contain the craziest chemical substances when it can be so easy? Believe me - it's so easy and so much cheaper to make your own cosmetics than you think. Mix a few ingredients together, put it in the Ball Mason jar | Quilted | 120 ml and off you go! Perfect for a zero-waste lifestyle: Deodorant in your FAVORITE JAR Pretty and functional - DIY deodorant in a Ball Mason Jar Quilted

The advantages of homemade deodorant:

  • you significantly reduce your packaging waste because you simply fill it into the Ball Mason jar and use it again and again
  • You know exactly what you are absorbing through your skin. 100% natural ingredients.
  • Homemade deodorant is much cheaper
Conventional deodorants often contain aluminum or questionable chemical ingredients - these clog the pores and prevent sweat production. Not really healthy for our bodies, sweat is important for our bodies. Unlike conventional deodorants from the drugstore, a DIY deodorant does not cover up sweat or clog the pores. We tackle the problem at the root, so to speak, instead of spraying on layer after layer. Simply mix the ingredients together - the deodorant cream is ready The DIY deodorant cream spreads perfectly

DIY Deodorant // Zerowaste Deodorant

We can replace a conventional deodorant with 3 simple ingredients: Baking soda - neutralizes the odor and prevents bacteria Coconut oil - inhibits the growth of bacteria (bacteria cause the typical smell of sweat) Starch - reduces sweating

RECIPE: Exactly suitable for the small Mason Jar you need:

  • 20 g coconut oil
  • 20 g shea butter
  • 20 g of baking soda (Kaiser Natron in the supermarket)
  • 50 g starch (e.g. corn starch, arrowroot starch...)
Heat the oil slightly, mix all the ingredients together and pour into the Ball Mason Jar | Quilted | 120 ml . Then let it cool down or put it in the fridge for a short time. The FAVORITE JAR is the perfect size for a DIY deodorant. The deodorant cream is then spread on the armpits - it smells fresh and is easy to spread. You need about a pea-sized amount of cream per armpit - so really not much and the deodorant cream in the FAVORITE JAR lasts for several months. All in one set: Hello Simple DIY Kit Ingredients for Deodorant Cream Making Zerowaste Deodorant Easily and Affordably Do you now feel like making your own deodorant? Very easy? With all the ingredients in one box? And the right recipe? Then we can recommend Hello Simple : Hello Simple is just the thing for anyone who wants to make and try out natural cosmetics such as deodorant or body lotion themselves. Admittedly, switching to zero-waste and natural products is not that easy, especially when it comes to cosmetics. At Hello Simple you can order DIY sets with all the right ingredients and instructions in one box. The whole set is plastic-free. By the way, we tried the lime and cypress scent - very subtle and fresh! You can also find a recipe and instructions for homemade sunscreen from a Mason Jar pump dispenser in our magazine. Have fun trying it out! *The DIY set from Hello Simple was provided to us free of charge. The collaboration is not paid, but because we link to Hello Simple, we have to write advertising on it.