Fermenting Brussels Sprouts

It's autumn again and that means it's not just pumpkin time, but also time for Brussels sprouts . We're huge Brussels sprout fans! Roasted in the oven, in a pan with breadcrumbs or fermented! Brussels sprouts are our autumn hit! Fermented Brussels sprouts taste crunchy and slightly sour. These little green power balls contain so many nutrients when they are fermented: namely lots of fiber, vitamin K and lots of probiotics (good for the intestines and digestion). Fermenting Brussels sprouts is very easy and is the perfect snack because of the small portions - so it can be added as a little extra in your lunchbox. The fermented Brussels sprouts give you energy for the day and provide you with important nutrients that are good for your digestion and immune system. Fermenting Brussels sprouts - with our fermentation attachments and glass weights for fermentation it's very easy In contrast to red cabbage, Brussels sprouts can be fermented in just a few steps - 10 minutes, that's all you need. You can also find the recipe for fermented red cabbage on our blog: HERE .

Fermenting Brussels Sprouts

What you need: ( for 1 Ball Mason Glass Wide 950 ml ) Fermented vegetables are full of fiber, vitamins and probiotics And here's how it works: First, clean your fermentation utensils properly - boil the fermentation attachments , the glass weights and the ball jar or put it in the dishwasher. Working cleanly is very important when fermenting. Then wash the Brussels sprouts and put the small florets in the jar. Cut the onions into fine rings or small cubes - whatever you prefer. Now put the onions, garlic and spices in the jar with the Brussels sprouts. For the brine, fill the Ball Mason jar with water and salt for fermentation. It is best to mix the salt and water in a separate container so that the jar dissolves and distributes evenly. Now fill the brine into the Ball Mason jar with the Brussels sprouts - leave 3 fingers of space to the edge of the jar. Now place a glass weight in the jar for fermentation so that the Brussels sprouts are covered. Place the fermentation attachment on the jar and tighten it with the screw ring. To ferment, leave the whole thing in a cool, dark place for about 1-2 weeks. Just test it a little from time to time until you are happy with the taste. As soon as the fermented Brussels sprouts are ready, unscrew the fermentation attachment and insert the airtight plate (each Ball Mason jar comes with a plate and a screw ring). Done! Now you can put your fermented cabbage in the fridge.
Why fermentation attachments ? So that the gases can escape and no oxygen gets into the glass - this is our absolute guarantee of success when fermenting . This means that nothing can happen that we don't want to happen when fermenting.
Are you new to the topic of fermentation? Then check out our detailed blog post: Fermenting, pickling or preserving - what are the differences? Offer: Fermentation Starter Set with Ball Mason Jars and all utensils you need for fermentation
If you want to start fermenting yourself, there is our fermentation set - here you will find fermentation attachments, glass weights and a wooden pestle. A small recipe booklet (in English) is included free of charge! As a small special, until Sunday 14.10.2018, you will receive our fermentation set including 4 glasses for free! You will save almost 30 €! Only for a short time! Click here for the Fermentation Starter Kit - Offer