Probiotic Pomegranate Lemonade | Recipe

We can now make a probiotic lemonade from the ginger bug starter . Mixed with juice, ginger bug and water, you get a fruity, probiotic lemonade.

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Probiotic Pomegranate Lemonade Recipe

Ingredients: (for 1 Mason Jar 0.6 l)

  • - 60 ml Ginger Bug base
  • - 240 ml pomegranate juice
  • - 200 ml water
  • - 2 slices of lemon
  • - small sieve
Shelf life: 4-5 days

    Directions :

    1. First, sterilize the Ripple jar in a large pot of boiling water for 5 minutes or place it briefly in hot water. You can find tips on how to sterilize jars correctly here.
    2. Strain the ginger bow through a fine mesh sieve.
    3. Now mix the gingerbug mixture, juice and water in the glass .
    4. Let the jars stand at room temperature for 2 to 3 days, opening them briefly every day to release the pressure and prevent overflow.
    5. Store the jars in the refrigerator.
    6. Enjoy cold with two slices of lemon.
    Probiotic_lemonade_favorite glassProbiotic_lemonade_favorite glass

    Tip: Note that the lemonade can have a similar alcohol content to kombucha and is therefore not suitable for children or people who cannot drink alcohol.

    Important note: If you notice any unusual changes in appearance or smell, the lemonade is no longer suitable for consumption.

    Have fun experimenting and making your own refreshing, probiotic lemonade with Ginger Bug!