Overnight Oats in a Jar with Fermented Apples
What do yogurt, tofu, sauerkraut and kimchi have in common, apart from being delicious and healthy? Exactly, they are all fermented foods . In the LIEBLINGSGLAS, fruits and vegetables and much more can be transformed into true vitamin miracles - child's play and completely natural.
When it comes to fermentation, for example with the help of our Fermentation Starter Set , a distinction is made between industrial fermentation and the far healthier wild fermentation . In both cases, microorganisms - bacteria and fungi - multiply or colonize food. They convert the sugar and starch contained in it into acid, and this preserves the food.
Healthy, healthier, fermentation
Fermentation of fruit and vegetables has been a hit on the health food scene for years, and rightly so. If you want to give your immune system and your well-being a real super boost, the best thing to do is eat fermented foods every day . Your gut will thank you, because the bacteria needed - mostly lactic acid bacteria, so-called lactobacilli - clean your digestive tract and flush toxins out of your body. A healthy gut is much better able to absorb and process nutrients.
Fermented foods are also full of vitamins, enzymes, trace elements and minerals : the absolute boost for your body! And thanks to the spices - which can be exotic - not only your intestines will be happy, but also your sense of taste. It is important, however, that you use organic ingredients so that you do not burden your body with unnecessary toxins.
Fruit Fermentation
As far as the types of fruit are concerned, almost all fruits can be fermented. For example, apples , which you can cut into shape with the spiral cutter and process with our fermentation set . These sour, pickled apples are great as a topping on breakfast, especially in winter, and the natural fermentation process contains lactic acid bacteria, which are important for a healthy gut.
Sprinkle the pieces of fruit, in this case the spirals, with salt and sugar, put them in your FAVORITE JAR and weigh them down with weights. The valve on the fermentation attachments allows air to escape during the fermentation period and prevents oxygen from getting into the jar. Optimal conditions for successful fermentation.
Everything you need for fermentation can be found in our Fermentation Starter Set and you can get started right away.
Overnight Oats: A Healthy Breakfast in a Jar
If you like it quick and uncomplicated, but still healthy and nutritious, then Overnight Oats with cinnamon and raisins in a FAVORITE GLASS is a great breakfast or snack for in between meals. You can prepare them the day before by soaking oat flakes in a FAVORITE GLASS together with raisins (these can also be added the next day) in milk or your favorite milk alternative and putting them in the fridge overnight. The next day, all you need to do is add your fermented apple spirals as a topping and pack your favorite glass lunchbox - and you're ready to go!
The overnight oats are not only delicious and keep you full for a long time, but also provide your body - in combination with the fermented apples and raisins - with a good portion of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Thanks in particular to the cinnamon, the oats have a soothing effect on the stomach and intestines.
Recipe Fermented Apples
- 2-3 apples
- 1 L of water
- 1 tablespoon salt (untreated without fluoride or similar)
- 3 tablespoons sugar
Recipe Overnight Oats in the LIEBLINGSGLAS
- 100 g oat flakes
- 200 ml oat milk
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 handful of raisins