Dekoration ·
Autumn mood: Mason Jar solar lamp
Has autumn already arrived at your home? It gets dark earlier and it's high time for cozy lighting in the living room. And when it gets cold and dark earlier, the ambience is particularly important - a feel-good oasis makes every evening perfect! Today we'll show you how you can conjure up a beautiful autumn atmosphere with a glass, some light and lots of natural materials in just a few simple steps.
Cozy autumn mood with LED solar light in a mason jar
What you need:
Right: 1 LED solar cover, Left: LED light chain cover
Eucalyptus, berry branches and a glass - everything you need for a cozy autumn atmosphere
Instead of lighting candles, the Mason Jar solar glass automatically starts to glow when it gets dark (or at dusk). The light is stored in the lid during the day and later converted into energy. So you don't need a lighter or electricity for your pretty autumn decoration in the glass .
You can also fill the glass with chestnuts, colorful leaves, moss or painted acorns. You can find them everywhere on the ground under the trees at the moment. Want something a little more Christmassy? Just put colorful Christmas balls in the glass - they shimmer beautifully in the light.
Have fun with your homemade Mason Jar solar lamp !
Autumn decoration in a Mason Jar
- 3-4 Ball Mason Jars in different sizes
- solar lids for Mason Jars
- base such as a golden plate
- From the forest: leaves, moss, chestnuts, etc.
- From the flower shop: eucalyptus, branches with berries, autumn leaves