Make your own hand soap and hand lotion

This year, Christmas is all about DIY gifts and sustainability . What could be better than receiving meaningful, useful and sustainable gifts ? We use our FAVORITE JAR as "packaging" for homemade treats such as gingerbread liqueur or cookies in a jar . Or how about a DIY gift: homemade DIY lip balm in a jar or a lettered tea glass with a tea strainer ? Sustainable, personal gift idea in a glass

2 in 1 gift in a jar

This means you not only have a delicious gift in a glass , but also packaging that you can reuse. Combined with our accessories such as the liqueur pourer or the tea strainer, the glass can of course be wonderfully transformed - 1 glass, endless possibilities.

Sustainable gift in a jar: DIY hand soap and hand lotion

For all fans of interior and sustainability, our DIY hand soap and hand lotion in a pump dispenser is just the thing. The dispenser is not only a real eye-catcher in the bathroom, but can also be refilled again and again. This saves a lot of plastic and you use a natural soap without synthetic substances. Either fill it up directly in the packaging-free supermarket or, even easier: make it yourself with liquid soap . With soap flakes you can make liquid soap in 5 minutes With the soap flakes from Greentastic , the best online shop for sustainable, plastic-free products, it can be done in under 5 minutes. All you need? Hot water, olive oil soap flakes and 5 minutes of time. You don't have to grate any soap - that saves a lot of time and is twice as much fun because it's so easy. The olive oil soap flakes come in a plastic-free paper bag - so there is 0% plastic waste .

Liquid Hand Soap and Hand Lotion DIY

What you need: Liquid soap Great eye-catcher in the bathroom And here's how it works: Liquid soap: Heat the water in a small saucepan and simply melt the soap flakes in it . Stir frequently and allow to simmer until all the flakes have melted. Dissolve soap flakes in boiling water Pour directly into your FAVORITE JAR and screw on the pump dispenser Before you fill the liquid soap into your glass, you can write on it with a marker . We used the Uni Posca marker again here - it is waterproof but can still be removed with a scouring pad. Using a stencil in the glass, the lettering can be easily traced. Our Ball Mason Glass Smooth is perfect for this - you have enough space on the smooth sides to draw beautiful decorations or lettering. Now fill the soap into the glass and let it set. Put the pump dispenser on your FAVORITE GLASS and part 1 of your gift is ready. Hand Lotion: You can find the recipe for a great lotion on our blog. The after sun lotion can be easily transformed into a hand lotion . Aloe vera provides moisture and shea butter protects your skin from drying out - the perfect natural combination, easy to dose and easy to spread on the skin. Personalizable - your homemade hand lotion Have fun trying it out!