DIY body lotion in your favorite jar

After spring made an appearance for a brief moment, it's already gone again...! We're bringing our good mood back with a fragrant DIY body lotion . The scent of coconut not only reminds us of summer and sunshine, but also awakens holiday feelings in us! So today we're giving you instructions for a homemade body lotion in a FAVORITE JAR that makes the skin pleasantly soft and allows you to relax. And by the way: Our Do It Yourself today is a wonderful inspiration for Mother's Day next week! Body Lotion in Quilted | 350 ml glass What you need: And here's how it works: First, coconut oil, Vaseline, shea butter and almond oil are heated in a water bath until everything has liquefied. Then the heated mixture is removed from the water bath and the cornstarch is added. Everything is mixed with a hand mixer until the cream is firm enough. DIY body lotion in your favorite jar Body lotion in a glass with the soap dispenser attachment Finally, the finished cream is poured into our Ball Mason Jar | Quilted | 350 ml at room temperature. Our soap dispenser attachment is also perfect for this body lotion. And the perfect Mother's Day gift is ready! The lotion lasts for around 3 months in the Mason Jar.