Dalgona coffee

The sun is shining, we spend a lot of time outside, but unfortunately we can't sit in our favorite café at the moment. That's why we're bringing the delicious Dalgona coffee in our FAVORITE GLASS straight to our house. Add some chill-out music and you'll feel like you're in your favorite café around the corner.

coffee foam in your FAVORITE GLASS

The new trendy drink from South Korea has now reached us via social media. Some people love it, some don't like it at all, or some don't know it. With our tips, you might like it after all, or maybe even like it better. In just a few minutes, with 3 simple ingredients and a hand mixer, you'll soon be able to enjoy your coffee foam in a Ball Mason Jar | Wide | 475 ml . Instead of sugar, we conjured up the delicacy with coconut blossom sugar and think it tastes even better and more caramelly. Enjoy super creamy coffee foam made from just a few ingredients in your FAVORITE GLASS. As a sugar alternative, we made our Dalgona coffee with coconut blossom sugar.

Making Dalgona Coffee

So that you don't conjure up your fluffy foam of coffee in your FAVORITE GLASS and immediately start euphorically spooning it like many others do, we have some tips for you here. So that you can enjoy your homemade Dalgona coffee with your zero-waste drinking straw .
  • Make sure to mix the coffee foam with the milk before drinking. On its own, the foam tastes very intense and not particularly good.
  • Try the Dalgona coffee with ice cubes or crushed ice... it tastes so good! You will love it, because it is even better than iced coffee.
  • If you prefer to enjoy your coffee warm, heat the milk, top it with the foam and then mix everything together.
So creamy and super delicious with ice cubes in your FAVORITE GLASS! Be sure to mix the coffee foam with the milk before drinking and enjoy it in the Ball Mason Jar | Regular | 475 ml with your stainless steel drinking straw.

Dalgona Coffee Recipe

What you need:
And here's how it works:
Put the instant coffee, coconut blossom sugar and hot water in a tall bowl. Beat vigorously with a hand mixer or food processor for about 2-5 minutes until the coffee foam is firm and shiny.
Divide ice cubes and oat milk between 4 Ball Mason Jars . Spread coffee foam on top and enjoy with a glass or stainless steel straw . The delicious coffee tastes best with foam, ice cubes and a glass or stainless steel straw in your FAVORITE GLASS.